Step out of your words

HD video, 2013

This video is composed by 9 images and 10 phrases that are out of phase so each image corresponds to the different phrases.

The inclusion of the text in the image has always been useful to mark contradictions. What is unique about this video is that it de-signs the signs and shows that what generates the context of the interaction of the word is in fact chance, and not the rigidity of descriptions. Mallarmé and company could be addressed here, but in this case the one that is affected directly is the sign and not the meaning. On the other hand, is the fact that this strategy is not only applied to the images and their definitions, but that it is extended to the discursive field and proves the plastic character that in itself language carries.

This work was shown in “Amalgama(s)”, Cámara de Comercio de Bogota, 2013 and Worlds Apart, Noplace, Oslo, Norway, 2013