2019, HD video, iPhone dimensions
In an infinite scroll with the tongue, the muscle of language becomes the mediator for images to appear. Those images are from the hashtag cardio, where sculptural shapes of humans show up as time moves along. In a metaphorical gesture, the tongue exercises, while relating to the technological object.
This work involves haptics, touching with tase or seeing with the tongue. The phone is an extension of ourselves since it extends the self.
Through the agency of a prosthetic touch screen, our presence in the scrolling interface of the world is reduced to finger gestures anxious of corporeity that are eagerly searching for socially accepted ways of semblance. Thus, hashtags, like virtual index fingers, addresses taxonomies of desirable taste in lack of a tongue. By scrolling cardio with tongue, our relationship of self and opposition makes another sense, and the muscle of language is capable of working out that tasteless dichotomy.
This work was shown in “Santiago Pinyol, Lo que no se ha perdido", Galería Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City, 2019